Importing CBAM goods?

Navigating the CBAM regulation

    Peterson supports you all the way

    Navigate safely through the regulations

    The EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) is a pioneering regulation aimed at addressing carbon leakage By imposing a fair carbon price on carbon-intensive imports such as cement, steel, aluminum, fertilizers, electricity, and hydrogen, CBAM aligns the carbon costs of imported goods with those of EU-produced equivalents.

    The mechanism incentivizes cleaner industrial production globally and supports the EU’s climate objectives. CBAM will be implemented in phases, with the transitional phase (2023–2025) already in course, and the definitive regime beginning in 2026.

    By 2030, CBAM is expected to extend to all sectors covered under the EU ETS, making it a key driver for decarbonization across global supply chains.

    Businesses exporting goods to the EU that fall under CBAM’s scope will need to prepare for compliance. This includes ensuring accurate emissions reporting, understanding carbon pricing impacts, and possibly adjusting production processes to reduce carbon intensity.

    CBAM represents a significant shift in global trade and environmental policy. For businesses outside the EU, understanding and preparing for these requirements is critical to maintaining access to the EU market and avoid financial penalties.

    The regulation affects different actors across the global supply chain, from manufacturers, traders to customs agents of the following sectors:

    • Cement • Electricity • Iron and steel • Aluminum • Fertilizer • Hydrogen

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    CBAM explained

    To ensure a level playing field for businesses, goods produced outside the EU must pay the same price for its emissions, as goods produced inside the EU. These images show the financial mechanism within the EU cap and trade system (EU ETS) and compensation through CBAM certificates.

    Emission calculation

    As Of 1st Jan 2025
    Only EU methods of emission calculation will be accepted by the CBAM registry

    Our Peterson CBAM expert team will support you with emission calculation using the correct method!

    As of 1st Jan 2026
    CBAM will phase into the Definitive Period. During which, emission calculations will be subject to auditing. Additionally, the purchase of CBAM certificates will become mandatory. Non-compliance with these requirements will result in financial penalties.

    Our Peterson CBAM expert team will support you through the journey!

    By 2030
    , CBAM is expected to extend to all sectors covered under the EU ETS, making it a key driver for decarbonization across global supply chains.

    Prevent CO2 leakage from the EU with the CBAM-certificates

    Carbon Boarder Adjustment Mechanism – an explanatory document for businesses operating within the European union

    Download CBAM guide
    CBAM services

    CBAM expert team

    Marisi Fernández Calderón

    Marisi Fernández Calderón

    From Spain and based in The Netherlands – Marisi holds an MSc in Industrial Ecology and comes from a background in chemical engineering. Marisi specializes in corporate sustainability, specifically in carbon emissions accounting, net-zero strategy, and life cycle assessment. Additionally, she provides strategic direction to our clients who are or will be facing upcoming stringent environmental regulations in the European market, in areas such as the Green Claims Directive, the Ecodesign Directive, and the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) to get ready before for the regulations.

    Wenhui Shan

    Wenhui Shan

    Wenhui is from China and is based in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Wenhui holds an MSc in Industrial Ecology, with a background in environmental engineering. She is a Sustainability Consultant in environmental service of Peterson Projects and Solutions, specialising in sustainability reporting and strategy development, focusing on quantitative analysis of carbon footprint, GHG, LCA and impact assessment under the framework of GHG protocol and ISO standard. Wenhui is also experienced in material flow analysis, geographical analysis and modelling for the circular economy.

    Tomas Fiege Vos de Wael

    Tomas Fiege Vos de Wael

    From the Netherlands and based in Vienna, holds a second legal state exam from Germany. He has been working for 15 years in the international banking sector, was managing a start up for the sustainable production of sugar and ethanol in Indonesia for 4 years, and since 10 years working with Peterson Projects and Solutions as senior sustainability consultant. Tomas is focusing on financial related assignments, governance and scheme design.

    Danny de Graauw

    Danny de Graauw

    From and based in the Netherlands. After ten years of working at Customs at Schiphol Airport, he switched to the business world and started working in the city where he was born and raised. He works already for more than 10 years at Peterson Energy Logistics in Den Helder, where he is responsible for handling customs formalities and processing customs declarations in accordance with laws and regulations. With his strong background in customs regulations, AEO and CBAM, he is of great value to guide you through the regulation.

    Nick Poldervaart

    Nick Poldervaart

    Nick Poldervaart, based in the Netherlands and holding a BSc in Business Administration, is responsible for the customs department at Peterson Energy Logistics. He leads a team of customs specialists focusing on the constantly changing customs regulations as well as all daily operational customs activities. The goal is to be proactive and keep clients well-informed about these changes, including the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM). CBAM significantly impacts organizations importing high CO2-value goods. Failure to comply can have serious consequences. For inquiries and expertise regarding customs matters or CBAM, please contact us.

    Our CBAM related services and support

    From 2026, importers will be mandated to pay for embedded emissions in their goods and offset the CO2 generated during their production, through CBAM-certificates. Their aim is to include all EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) sectors under CBAM regulations by 2030 and have the CBAM fully in place in 2034.

    • Guidance on registering your legal entity in the CBAM transitional registry

    • Confirmation of goods affected by CBAM regulation

    • Active support on the implementation of upstream carbon accounting methodologies according to CBAM requirements

    • Simplification of emissions data and efficient communication to enhance transparency

    • Reporting support, hands-on guidance, and preparation of reporting obligations on a quarterly basis for each EU member state and relevant CBAM reporting entity

    The clock is ticking…

    At Peterson we are committed to supporting a shift towards a more sustainable and environmentally conscious future. Recognizing the urgency of worldwide sustainability, we aim to make a positive impact on climate responsibility. Our services are designed to assist clients in navigating the evolving environmental landscape. Our specialists in environmental management and CO2 emission reporting collaborate with our custom and logistic experts to support you across the supply chain, from importers to operations of installations to adhere to CBAM requirements. Please download our flyer.

    CBAM flyer
    Offshore Wind Installation Support by Peterson

    Achieving goals together matters

    the CBAM regulation imposes significant reporting obligations on EU importers. These reporting requirements contribute to the EU’s broader goal of fostering a more sustainable and environmentally conscious global trade system. As businesses adapt to these new regulations, the hope is for a collective effort towards a greener future and a more resilient global economy. We encourage you to get in touch with our Peterson experts and see where we can support you in the transition to a more sustainable future.

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    CBAM importer goods

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